Hearing aids are devices that can dramatically increase your quality of life if you experience hearing loss. The first hearing aids were investing in 1898, and since then, they have seen vast improvements. Because of this, it should come as no surprise that 21st-century hearing aids come with an array of features that can improve your experience with hearing loss. If your audiologist has recommended hearing aids, here are four essential hearing aid features to consider. 

Noise detection and reduction

As the primary reason for hearing aids is to help you hear as clearly as possible, noise detection and reduction are two of the most vital features to look for when selecting a hearing aid. With these features, your hearing aid will easily adapt to any environment. This is especially useful when you are moving from one area to another throughout the day.

As all locations are unique in the noise level, a hearing aid with noise detection and reduction will automatically adapt the settings to block out background noise so you can only hear what you need to hear, rather than listen to background noise that interferes with your experience. 

Programmable settings

It’s frustrating when you need to adjust the settings of your hearing aid in different environments and locations, so consider a hearing aid device that comes with programmable memory settings. This feature allows you to present functions for work, home, driving or in busy restaurants. Some hearing aids will switch to these settings automatically, whereas others will require a manual adjustment. You may need to fine-tune these settings the first time you are in these environments, but a reliable memory function will save the settings for the next time. 

Smart functions 

Smart technology has found its way into all aspects of our lives. From our smartphones to smart homes, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology have given us total control over almost all aspects of our lives. The same goes for hearing aids. Devices with smart functions enable you to control the settings via your smartphone or tablet without needing to take your hearing aids out and change the setting manually. This makes adjusting the settings more efficient and also helps you connect to compatible devices so you can hear easily when talking on the phone.  

Direct audio 

Direct audio is preferred for users who listen to music regularly, but it can be beneficial for anybody. Rather than play the music directly from a speaker, direct audio input (DAI) will feed the sound through your hearing aid. This gives you a more authentic experience with better clarity and ensures you can enjoy your favorite artists, podcasts or other media the way you are supposed to. 

Picking the right hearing aid

Everyone experiences hearing loss differently. However, these features can be beneficial whether you experience mild hearing loss or heavier hearing loss that seriously affects your day-to-day life. They are suitable for a range of environments, including at home and work and will guarantee that your hearing loss does not impact your life as much as it has done previously.