If you have a hearing aid fitting with an audiologist, you may be wondering what to expect from it. You may even feel a little bit nervous. This is normal. After all, we all feel anxious and apprehensive when we are doing something for the first time. It is essential to recognize that this meeting gives you an excellent chance to find out more about your hearing and to ask the audiologist questions, so do not be afraid to speak up. Below, we will explain four key things you'll learn when you have a hearing aid fitted professionally by an audiologist.

The current state of your hearing 

The first thing that you are going to learn about is the condition of your hearing. You will learn about how far your hearing has degraded. You will also find out whether one ear is worse than the other as well. It is important to have an understanding of your hearing ability at the moment, as it helps you to understand your hearing health and how a hearing device is going to benefit you. 

How to use your hearing aid

Your audiologist is then going to explain how to use your hearing device properly. They will show you what the different buttons do, and they will explain how to change things and program the hearing device so that it is suitable for you. Of course, the audiologist will program your device for you before you leave so that it is right for you. However, they will also explain how it works so that you do not need to worry about this.

How to clean your hearing device

Aside from the two things that we have mentioned so far, you are also going to learn how to clean your hearing device properly. Cleaning your hearing device is imperative to make sure that it lasts you as long as possible. After all, you can ensure that you get the maximum life out of your hearing aid if you care for it properly. You will be surprised by just how much of a difference this will make. 

How to store your hearing device

Last but not least, your audiologist is going to explain how to store your hearing device when it is not in use. For example, they will show you wear to store your hearing device when you take it off in the evening. They will tell you about all of the things you should and should not do when it comes to caring for your hearing aid properly. Do not be afraid to take a pen and some paper with you so you can write the details down.

When you have a hearing aid fitting with an audiologist, it will be a very informative appointment. Do not be afraid to ask questions. This is a great chance for you to learn more about your hearing condition and to find out more about your hearing device, so take this opportunity with both hands.