Are you unsure about the right moment to visit an audiologist? An audiologist does various activities, which includes testing your hearing, fitting and dispensing hearing aids and providing services helping with hearing loss prevention, tinnitus treatments and balance disorders. 

If you’ve recently developed an issue with your hearing, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment as soon as possible! However, there are a number of different scenarios that could require you to visit an audiologist. 

When you have excessive earwax

Do you know that healthy ears self-clean naturally? That’s right. However, sometimes this cleaning mechanism might go awry if you usually use earplugs or hearing aids. Earwax may increase behind the hearing aid, eventually blocking the ear canal and as a result, your hearing abilities end up affected.

Once you notice earwax building up in your ears, it can signify that you need to see your audiologist. Audiologists give a variety of products for safely removing earwax and even advise you on strategies you need to avoid. Mostly, they recommend you use a cleansing solution poured into your ears which dissolves the buildup wax allowing it to drain naturally.

You experience sudden hearing loss

You may experience sudden hearing loss due to various reasons. For instance, it might be due to damage in the ear, brain damage from an injury, eardrum perforation and earwax buildup. Visiting an audiologist is critical in these situations. It is also essential to see an audiologist if your sudden hearing loss has no immediate cause. It will help if you do not view sudden hearing loss as temporary and visit your audiologist immediately.

When you begin avoiding social interactions

People with hearing loss might be vulnerable to depression, and they may desire to withdraw from social places. It might prove unpleasant when unable to hear and comprehend what those surrounding you might be saying. Once you notice that this might be the case, see an audiologist who can help you select a hearing aid that will enable you to listen and understand other people clearly. You will experience less stress.


If you hear a ringing noise in your ear or head and it does not originate from an external source, then tinnitus comes to mind. You can hear the noise only if you get affected. There are two kinds of tinnitus.

Objective tinnitus involves the audiologist hearing the ringing noise. On the contrary, subjective tinnitus is only heard by you.

Fortunately, your audiologist can effectively alleviate tinnitus often with the help of hearing aids.

When you have to increase the TV volume

Turning up the TV volume is pretty normal. However, if you normally have your TV volume at 35 and you realize that you can only clearly hear what’s being stated at 45 or even 50, that could indicate that your hearing has deteriorated.

Your audiologist can track and check if you have experienced any decline from your previous checkup and recommend some medicines for you. Audiologists give comprehensive treatment and advice when it comes to your hearing. Visiting an audiologist is essential.